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29 Apr

Bowen Therapy Townsville

Bowen Therapy Townsville Most Asked Questions Answered By Benjamin Setter Senior Bowen Therapist, Australia.

Q. Where did the name come from?

A.“Tom Bowen’s Technique Modality was named in his honour ‘Bowen Therapy‘ years after his death in 1982.”

Q. Did Tom Bowen combine his work with other modalities

A. “To my knowledge Tom Bowen never used his Technique in combination with any other modality because it was clear that the work became less effective or ceased to function at all.”

Q. Did Tom Bowen train anyone living in Townsville?

A. “Tom Bowen trained only ‘six people’ in his modality. Mr Ossie Rentsch the founder of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia (Bowtech) is one of these six. As yet sadly, none of these men reside in Townsville Australia.”

Q. Could explain what is involved in a Bowen therapy treatment?

A. Bowen Therapy is a technique unto itself, it requires no oils and has know thrust manipulation. It is safe for children all the way to the elderly. Bowen Therapy is a set system of moves, that instruct the body to heal for itself. Bowen Therapy treatments are generally once every five to seven days, depending on the seriousness of the problem.

Q. Is Bowen Therapy known by any other name?

A. Yes, Bowen Therapy’s other full name is Bowen Therapeutic Technique.

Benjamin Setter
Pain Specialist
Senior Bowen Therapy Practitioner, Townsville, & Australia.

Today the advice given by Benjamin Setter Pain Specialist, with an unequalled 30 years practice, 40 000 individual treatments, High Distinctions in Anatomy & Physiology, and the ability to direct treatment plans for success pain relief with a focused use of Bowen Therapy. His thousand’s of client know that he will take the time, and save you time living in pain. So this is worth the financial investment to access his invaluable knowledge & skill set.

For more information Phone 07 47 2888 00 or contact us today about a session tailored specifically for you.

Our Clinic Address is Unit 3/55 Anne Street, Aitkenvale, Townsville, QLD, 4814. CHECK OUT OUR 5 STAR GOOGLE REVIEWS!


Bowen Therapy Origins

Bowen Therapy Townsville

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07 4728 8800

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Unit 3/55 Anne Street, Aitkenvale, Townsville, QLD, 4814.

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