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05 May

Bowen Therapy Townsville – Treat ’em right and they’ll look after you…

Sport injury - helping hand

Like your car, if you don’t look after your feet, eventually something is going to fall off, break or start making funny noises. The United Kingdom’s National Health Service (the NHS) has put together these eleven tips for footcare…

Wash your feet often – If you leave dirt on your feet you can end up with skin irritations and infections.

Dry your feet well – Always thoroughly dry your feet after washing them, especially between the toes to avoid nasties like Athlete’s foot. Using a foot cream afterwards also helps.

Remove hard skin – Gently remove hard skin and calluses with a pumice stone or foot file regularly.

Cut Toenails regularly – Always trim your toenails straight across, never at an angle or down the edges – the latter can cause ingrown toenails.

Shoe shop in the afternoon – Your feet swell during the day, so fitting new shoes in the afternoon when those feet are the largest should result in the most comfortable fit.

Footwear tips for work – If you have to wear heels at work, wear comfortable shoes to and from the office and only wear your fashion shoes once you’re at work. Try to vary the heel height from day to day too.

Limit time wearing high heels – Try and wear those pointy toed and high heeled shoes as little as possible. Special occasions are great, everyday not so much.

Change your socks often – Avoid nasty foot odours by changing your socks everyday.

Watch out for foot bugs – Reduce your potential exposure to Athlete’s foot and warts in public showers, swimming pools and hotel bathrooms by wearing thongs rather than going barefoot.

Take care wearing thongs – Although they’re great for reducing exposure to foot infections, don’t wear thongs all of the time, with minimal foot support than can cause arch and heel pain.

Foot pain for the over-60s – Aging is bad for feet. Thinning skin and stiffening joints make older feet more susceptible to the cold. And as it becomes harder for you to take a close look at your feet because of reduced eyesight and reduced body movement, it’s a good idea to get someone else to regularly check your feet for any problems. Regular check-ups by a professional every six months should be a must for the older foot.

Bowen Therapy Townsville – Treat ’em right and they’ll look after you…

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