Setter’s Health Centre is leading the way with our Specialists being some of the most experienced Bowen Therapy Pain And Injury Specialists in Townsville Australia with 28 years of working with those seeking pain relief. At Setter’s we exclusively practice Bowen Therapeutic Technique which is completely safe for those in pain. It is a gentle therapy, that can be a fast and an effective way to hep control pain.
To learn more contact us about an authentic Bowen Therapy session tailored specifically for you.
Book an appointment on 07 4728 8800, or via our online appointment form.
Our Bowen Therapy Pain Relief Specialists treat a broad range of health concerns from chronic pain, skeletal muscle pain, chronic pain disorders, sporting injuries to pain, sinusitis, pregnancy pain, child asthma, stress and discomfort. If you find that your individual health concerns are not mentioned above. Please contact us to discuss you individual needs.
To learn more contact us about an authentic Bowen Therapy session tailored specifically for you.
Book an appointment on 07 4728 8800, or via our online appointment form.
Seniority: Benjamin is the most Senior Bowen Therapy Pain Relief Specialist in Townsville EST 1991. As such he has seen a wide variety of clients and many varied situations that it is second nature for him to advise you on possibilities and outcomes that less experienced health practitioner’s have not been exposed to.
Terms: When you are a member of the exclusive client list of Setter’s Health Centre you benefit from the terms of that relationship in the following ways:
Time: The extra Time we spend deeply considering your matter and the time we save just for you.
Emotion: Emotion we put in to looking after you and the emotion we save you.
Resolve: Determined Resolve to address your health issues, now and into the future.
Money: The money we save you for years to come.
Situation: our seniority and experience and the importance of you and your family that we incorporate into all plans for your recovery.
For more information on the benefits of Bowen Therapy, contact us today about a session tailored specifically for you.
Phone Today 0747288 800
We are not a sausage factory and your health is not on a production line. We give lengthy consideration to all aspects and personalise a course of action for you. Because you are paying Professional fees we believe you deserve to have a Specialist do your work and not a Junior Practitioner. We are careful to ensure that you are only charged appropriately and not for any unnecessary work. Having said that, you would not expect to find a Holden Price at an Audi dealership but in the words of Frederick Henry Royce, one of the founders of Rolls-Royce, “The quality remains long after the price is forgotten.”
For 28 years Setter’s Health Centre has acted as a boutique practice with a unique window into our clients lives. We remain an important health bowstring from generation to generation and yet we continue to offer room for new clients.
Setter’s Health Centre – Relieving Pain Since 1991
To learn more contact us about an authentic Bowen Therapy session tailored specifically for you.
Book an appointment on 07 4728 8800, or via our online appointment form.
A Whiplash injury, is a neck injury that can occur, when the head suddenly moves backward, and then forward. This type of injury can occur e.g. during rear-end vehicle collisions or a fall off scooter. Injuries range from mild to severe. The main symptom is pain in the neck and shoulders, and if...
Read MoreNow, with the arrival of Bowen Therapy In Townsville, there is another potential solution to back pain. From the moment of diagnosis, Bowen Therapy’s Back & Neck procedure begins reducing pain and swelling of the muscles. Bowen Therapy is a set system of small moves, the technique is a gen...
Read MoreNow, with the arrival of Bowen Therapy In Townsville, there is another potential solution to pain. From the moment of diagnosis, Bowen Therapy’s procedures begins reducing pain and swelling of the muscles. Bowen Therapy is a set system of small moves, the technique is a gentle, fast and effective ...
Read MoreNeeding Vertigo relief & recovery? Call today and book to see Benjamin Setter Pain Specialist who has used Bowen Therapy for the successful relief of vertigo for 3 decades. #vertigo #townsville #jawpain #bowentherapy #painspecialist...
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Read MoreBowen Therapy Townsville Most Asked Questions Answered By Benjamin Setter Senior Bowen Therapist, Australia. Q. Where did the name come from? A.“Tom Bowen’s Technique Modality was named in his honour ‘Bowen Therapy‘ years after his death in 1982.” Q. Did Tom Bowen combine his work w...
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Read MoreOur aim at Setter’s H.C. Bowen Therapy Townsville is to focus on your goals for pain and symptom relief, how these fit into your life, and how to help you and your body to achieve realistic outcomes. Today’s lifestyles demand more and more from our bodies without always giving anything in retur...
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